Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wacky Wednesday: The Rent is Too Damn High....

Happy Wednesday everyone.

It's especially happy for me because I get Friday off this week, so it feels more like Thursday.

Anyways, on to the videos!

Between Two Ferns...

I wish I lived in NY so I could vote for this guy....

Next big fad: People going to the Dentist to get high...

She's such a moron, but this is a catchy song.

For the 10-year old in me....

Our favorite candidate in Tennessee is back...

And of course, This Week in Unnecessary Censorship...


Brittany said...

1. LMFAO! "what you talkin bout Willis!" ha ha ha!

I seriously was about to pee my pants..

And as terrible as bruce is.. I still think he is fairly hot for an old man. Id tap that! :)

2. I'd vote for him too.. and guess where rent isn't that damn high???? MINNNNEEEESSSSOOOTTTAAA!!

3. "I'm sooo cold.. I'm not having a seizure... I'm just sooo cold.."

WOW! I wonder what that nurse is thinking! Lol I think she's SUPER annoyed! lol

4. I can't believe she said "I'm not a witch".... was that a political ad? She was setting herself up for youtube popularity!

5.bahahahahahahaha! you WOULD find this funny... and so would I!

6. Is he mentally handicapped? Pretending to be? I am so confused.

7. Is ALWAYS my favorite.. (you know that!) lol This was probably my favorite one so far! lmao! Esp when the bleeped obama! bahahaha!

you seriously are an awesome you tuber finder..

my friend on another blog David.. he used to have YOUTUBESDAY on tuesdays.. (obviously).. I was bummed when he stopped doing it! (because he rarely blogs now.. boo!)

on another note! You're a very sweet BG! Thanks for all the nice comments on my blog!

He & Me + 3 said...

oMGosh that is too funny. I had to crack up at the farting video. I didn't realize there were so many farts in movies. LOL
That girl in the dental chair is hilarious. I hope she didn't poop her pants. Baa Haaa!

Mama said...

I got my wisdom teeth yanked out and I was anything but high. Dammit.