Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wacky Wednesday: It's Kind of a Funny Day...

Happy Wednesday!

For your viewing pleasure...

(Interview with an Idiot)

(Hannah Mantegna)

(I thought most women loved this)

(Hide Yo kids, Hide Yo Wife, Hide Yo...iPhone?)

(Luke Skywalker has OCD)

(Weathermen are perverts...)

(Coolest Video Ever!)

(And of course, Unnecessary Censorship)


Rosemary Brennan said...

Okay, I'm absolutely LOLing over Hannah Mantegna. As a huge fan of Fat Tony and a minor fan of Hannah Montana (yes, I've seen more than a few eps) this is heaven.

Brittany said...

Per usual! HILARITY!!!! :))

you get me every time its ridiculous!

bananas. said...

ha! antoine dodson!!! LOVES IT!

have you seen the picture of the dog dressed like antoine? hoolarious!